You are Laurel, right?

Yes! No…

Sorry. This website is only for Laurel.


Oh! You are Laurel Schwulst, right?

Yes! No…

Ew! This website is only for Laurel Schwulst.


Wow! You are Laurel Schwulst who lives in Brooklyn, right?

Yes! No…

Hmm… This website is only for Laurel Schwulst who lives in in Brooklyn.


Good! You are Laurel Schwulst who lives in Brooklyn, and likes Green, right?

Yes! No…

Jeez! This website is only for Laurel Schwulst who lives in in Brooklyn, and likes Green.


Amazing! You are Laurel Schwulst who lives in Brooklyn, and likes Green, Bird kite, Flight Simulator, Perfume area, Very interactive, and HTML Energy, right?

Yes! No…

Damn! This website is only for Laurel Schwulst who lives in in Brooklyn, and likes Green, Bird kite, Flight Simulator, Perfume area, Very interactive, and HTML Energy.


Cool! You are Laurel Schwulst who lives in Brooklyn, likes Green, Bird kite, Flight Simulator, Perfume area, Very interactive, and HTML Energy, and has Min Guhong as a Korean best friend, right?

Yes! No…

No. This website is only for Laurel Schwulst who lives in Brooklyn, likes Green, Bird kite, Flight Simulator, Perfume area, Very interactive, and HTML Energy, and has Min Guhong as a Korean best friend.


Hi, Laurel! How did you spend your day? What did you like today? By the way, today is March 15, right?

Yes! No…

Laurel, you are honest! But it’s not the time yet. This website only works on March 15. Please visit again on that day.


Huh, Laurel… I think today is . You can lie. But this website only works on March 15. Please visit again on that day.


Oh, today is your birthday, right? Can you check if the sound is on?


Laurel, my American best friend, congratulations! Happy I really hope you have a relaxed time with Green, Bird kite, Flight Simulator, Perfume area, Very interactive, and HTML Energy! Anyway, see you again here on your next birthday, if you don’t forget me, or we’re alive until then! Let’s talk more soon.

Yes! Maybe?